Upcoming Events & Classes
SoulCollage® Circle
Online Class, ages 18+
Create SoulCollage® Cards in community! There will be time to make a card, share your cards' wisdom, and witness each other's process during this virtual circle.
Materials: 5x8" mat board or other stiff collage surface such as thin cardboard or card stock, collage image sources, acid-free glue, scissors, pen, paper.
Pay what you can, minimum $20 - maximum $35, 1.5 hour class
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, December 12, 2022 at 6:30 pm PST
Intuitive Collage
Collage: Pieces of You
4:00 - 5:30 pm PST
Virtual class offered by the Richmond Art Center
Create intuitive collages that reflect your inner wisdom and multifaceted self. This class will guide students in using a therapeutic artistic process called SoulCollage®. Participants make collages on 5x8” cards and then write/speak from the perspective of the image to connect with their identity, desires, and needs. The method emphasizes self-acceptance and self-care, and no prior artistic experience is required.
$100 / 4 classes
Art & Creativity Lab
4:00 - 5:30 pm PST - Virtual class.
Explore your creativity and loosen up artistically through a variety of activities that are accessible to all ages and experience levels. As the teacher, I will encourage you to be curious and to create in your own way.
Class 1: Creative Journaling. Explore your life and surroundings using a mix of words and images.
Class 2: Intuitive Drawing. Experiment with drawing techniques that encourage you to see and draw in your own style.
Class 3: Watercolor Splash. Discover the unexpected as you allow the paint to mix and move organically.
Class 4: Meditative Mandalas. Relax and find balance using the power of the circle.
$100/class series or $30/drop in
*No class on February 20, 2023
SoulCollage® Intro Class
Online Class, ages 18+
SoulCollage® is an intuitive collage method that stimulates your creativity and personal growth. During the hour and a half long workshop, you will each make a collage on a 5x8" card and connect with it's message for you. You will come away with a unique collaged card, a deeper connection to your inner wisdom, and the beginning of your very own oracle deck! No artistic experience is required to participate.
Basic materials: 5 x 8” mat board or other stiff surface, collage image sources, scissors, acid-free glue. Purchase a material starter pack here.
$30 / 1.5 hour class
Upcoming class dates:
Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 10:00 am PST
SoulCollage® with the Girl Gang Craft Clique
Thursday, November 4, 2021, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
A virtual SoulCollage® workshop designed to stimulate creativity and personal growth.
Note: in order to participate in this event you must be a member of The Clique, Girl Gang Craft's monthly membership platform for creative entrepreneurs. Find out more here.
Purchase a card making starter pack here. Orders must be placed by 10/31/21.
Laboratorio de arte y creatividad
Explora tu creatividad y relájate artísticamente a través de una variedad de actividades accesibles para todas las edades y niveles de experiencia. Como profesora, te animaré a ser curioso y a transitar tu propio camino.
Clase 1 & 2 - Diario creativo - Explora tu vida y tu entorno utilizando una mezcla de palabras e imágenes.
Clase 3 & 4 - Dibujo intuitivo - Experimenta con técnicas de dibujo que te animen a ver y crear a tu manera.
Clase 5 & 6 - Pintando con acuarelas - Descubre lo inesperado al permitir que la pintura se mezcle y se mueva orgánicamente.
Clase 7 & 8 - Mandalas meditativos - Relájate y encuentra el equilibrio utilizando el poder del círculo.
$180/8 clases o $25/clase individual
Clase virtual.
SoulCollage® Intro Class
Create intuitive collages that reflect your inner wisdom and multifaceted self. This intro class will guide you in using a therapeutic artistic process called SoulCollage®. You will make a collage on a 5x8” card and then write/speak from the perspective of the image to connect with your identity, desires, and needs. The method emphasizes self-acceptance and self-care, and no prior artistic experience is required.
Basic materials: 5 x 8” mat board or other stiff surface, collage image sources, scissors, acid-free glue
$35 / 1.5 hour class
Creative Exploration & Expansion - Online Kids Class - BILINGUAL/BILINGÜE
Monday, July 19, 2021 - Monday, August 30, 2021, 2:30 PM-3:30 PM
In this class series we will explore different creative processes that will lead to our expansion and artistic self-discovery. We will experiment with intuitive drawing, collage, visualization exercises, painting, mandala making, and journaling. As a teacher my goal is to create a safe place for students to be playful, imaginative, and exploratory. Ages 5 - 11, all experience levels welcome. Class will be taught in English and Spanish.
En esta serie de clases haremos varios ejercicios acerca de la expansión creativa y el auto-descubrimiento artístico. Experimentaremos con técnicas como dibujo, pintura, escritura, collage, visualización y mandalas. Como instructora, mi objetivo es crear un espacio seguro para que todos puedan explorar, usar su imaginación, y divertirse. Apto para niños de 5 - 11 años, las clases se impartirán en español e inglés.
$105 / 7 weeks or $18 / Drop-In
$105 / 7 clases o $18 / clase individual
Register with The Richmond Art Center here >>
Scholarships available here >>
Inscríbase en el Richmond Art Center aquí >>
Becas disponibles aquí >>
Exploración y expansión creativa - serie de talleres
Sábados, 17 de abril - 26 de junio, 2021, 11 am - 12 pm PST
En esta serie de clases haremos varios ejercicios acerca de la expansión creativa y el auto-descubrimiento artístico. Experimentaremos con técnicas como dibujo, pintura, escritura, y la creación de mandalas de una forma intuitiva. Como instructora, mi objetivo es crear un espacio seguro para que todos puedan explorar, usar su imaginación, y divertirse. Las clases son aptas para todas la edades y niveles de experiencia artística.
Esta clase es apta para todas las edades y niveles de experiencia. La clase se dictará en español.
$18 / clase
Inscríbase en el sitio web del Richmond Art Center aquí >>
Creative Exploration and Expansion - Workshop Series
Saturday, January 30, 2021 - Saturday, April 10, 2021, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
This workshop series will be about creative expansion and artistic self-discovery. We will experiment with intuitive drawing and collage, guided visualization exercises, drip painting, mandala making, and journaling. As the teacher, my goal will be to create a safe container for students to be playful, imaginative, and exploratory. No prior artistic experience is required. Open to all ages.
$50 - 2 weeks
Register through the Richmond Art Center here >>
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